About us
Associations and agencies

EGOLF stands for "European Group of Organizations for Fire Testing, Inspection and Certification". It is the main representative body for third party, independent and nationally recognized organizations involved at a European level in the fire testing of materials, components or products in support of fire safety legislation. Such organizations may in addition be involved in inspection and/or certification related to fire safety legislation. EGOLF activities are mainly centred on passive fire protection. .
AFITI is a founding partner of EGOLF, belonging to this organization since its establishment in 1988.

AELAF is the Spanish Association of Fire Testing Laboratories that develops its activity in the field of Fire Safety, with the aim of creating a common forum where issues that need a common response can be dealt with wherever appropriate, such as in Committees for Standardization and Certification, Regulations, Test Specifications, Judicial Appraisals, Technical and Professional Advisory Reports for the security sector companies.
AFITI is a founding partner of AELAF, belonging to this organization since its establishment.

CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, is an association that brings together the National Standardization Bodies of 34 European countries. It provides a platform for the development of European Standards and other technical documents in relation to various kinds of products, materials, services and processes. CEN supports standardization activities in relation to a wide range of fields and sectors including: air and space, chemicals, construction, consumer products, defence and security, energy, the environment, food and feed, health and safety, healthcare, ICT, machinery, materials, pressure equipment, services, smart living, transport and packaging.
AFITI is actively engaged in the committees´ and working groups´ activities related with the development of European standards for the testing of materials and construction elements, as well as fire protection products and systems:
CEN TC 70 "Manual means of firefighting equipment" develops standards for the design, manufacture and maintenance of portable extinguishers, mobile extinguishers, fire blankets, manual means of fire fighting (with the exceptionof manual means used by the fire brigades which are covered by the work of TC 192 and means for fire fighting covered by TC 191) . Structure (working groups):
- CEN/TC 70/WG 2 Mobile extinguishers
- CEN/TC 70/WG 3 Fire blankets
- CEN/TC 70/WG 5 Revision of EN 3
- CEN/TC 70/WG 6 Portable aerosol dispensers
- CEN/TC 70/WG 7 Maintenance of extinguishers.
CEN TC 127"Fire safety in buildings"develops standards for the assessment and classification of the fire behaviour of building products, components and elements of construction and fire risks related to their application and more generally for fire safety in buildings.
Structure (working groups):
- CEN/TC 127/WG 1 Structural and separating elements
- CEN/TC 127/WG 2 Services
- CEN/TC 127/WG 3 Fire doors
- CEN/TC 127/WG 4 Reaction to fire
- CEN/TC 127/WG 5 Roofs
- CEN/TC 127/WG 7 Classification
- CEN/TC 127/WG 8 Fire Safety Engineering
- CEN/TC 127/WG 9 Fire protective products
★ CEN/TC 129″ Glass in building" Standardization in the field of glass used in building. The CENT TC 129 / WG 11 idevelops in particular the standards related to fire resistant glass.
★CEN/TC 191 "Fixed firefighting systems" produces standards relating to suppression systems, components and media that are essential for ensuring the fire protection of buildings and their occupants.
Structure (subcommittees and working groups):
- CEN/TC 191/SC 1 Smoke and heat control systems and components
- CEN/TC 191/WG 10 Water mist systems
- CEN/TC 191/WG 12 Mandates
- CEN/TC 191/WG 2 Foam extinguishing systems
- CEN/TC 191/WG 3 Fire extinguishing media - Foam
- CEN/TC 191/WG 4 Powder extinguishing systems
- CEN/TC 191/WG 5 Sprinkler systems
- CEN/TC 191/WG 6 Gas extinguishing Systems and components.
★CEN/TC 192 "Fire and Rescue Service Equipment" develops the equipment product standards ranging from high rise firefighting vehicles to firefighting hose, the majority of which are harmonized standards under either the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC or the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) EU 305/2011. Structure (working groups):
- CEN/TC 192/WG 2 Firefighting pumps
- CEN/TC 192/WG 3 Firefighting and rescue service vehicles
- CEN/TC 192/WG 4 High rise aerial appliances
- CEN/TC 192/WG 7 Hydraulic rescue tools and lifting bags
- CEN/TC 192/WG 8 Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps

UNE is the only Standardization Body in Spain, appointed so by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness to the European Commission. Through its activities, it fosters the development of an infrastructure of quality by promoting knowledge transfer and raising business standards. In this sense, UNE is the Spanish representative in the international and European organizations ISO/IEC and CEN/CENELEC, respectively, as well as in the national standardization organization ETSI.
AFITI is a founding partner of UNE (former AENOR), to which it belongs since its establishment in 1986.
AFITI is actively involved in the work of committees and working groups directed to the development of national standards for the the testing of materials and building elements, as well as fire protection products and systems:
★CTN 23: "Fire safety develops standards for:
- Apparatus, equipment, products and installations to prevent fire and fire fighting;
- Fire technology: Terminology, classification, symbols and signalisation;
- Personal equipment used exclusively for firefighting;
- Fire performance of materials, elements and building structures, as well as their classification and test methods, including indications about the applications of these tests;
- Vehicles used in fire fighting including the body, performances, accessories and complements.
- Installation, use and maintenance of the before mentioned apparatus, equipment, products, systems, installations, materials and structures.
- Personal protective equipment that is competence of other Committees;
- The frame elements of vehicles.
Structure (subcommittees and task groups):
- SC 1: Definitions, symbols and signals
- SC 2: Fire extinguishers and classification of fires
- SC 3: Automatic fire detection systems
- SC 4: Materials and equipment for fire fighting and rescue
- SC 5: Fixed fire fighting systems, its components and extinguishing media
- SC 6: Reaction to fire test for construction products
- SC 7: Resistance to fire test of constructive elements
- SC 8: Fire safety engineering
- GT 1: Services provided by fire and security systems companies

TECNIFUEGO, the Spanish Association of Fire Protection Societies, is a national, non-profit business association that groups together manufacturers, installers, maintainers and other fire safety services in Spain.
AFITI se encuentra asociada a Tecnifuego, aportando su dilatada experiencia en el campo del ensayo, la inspección y la certificación de productos, materiales, elementos y sistemas para la seguridad contra incendios a los fabricantes del sector.

NFPA, the National Fire Protection Association, is a global self-funded nonprofit organization, established in 1896, devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. NFPA delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy; and by partnering with others who share an interest in furthering its mission.
AFITI is a member of NFPA.

EFECTIS is a third party review body independently assessing the fire performance of products, systems or constructions. It is a fire science group, recognized worldwide.
AFITI closely collaborates with EFECTIS in tasks related to obtaining CE marking, international certifications and fire protection engineering, among others.

ASELF is the Spanish Firefighters´ Association, the oldest organization in its field of action, founded more than 50 years ago thanks to the impetus given by a large group of professionals from different related groups and whose direct result was the celebration of the «I National Fire Brigade Congress» which took place in Madrid in November 1959.
AFITI maintains a collaboration agreement with ASELF to achieve the goals they share within the fire safety sector.