About us
Accreditations and recognitions
The National Accreditation Entity - ENAC - is the agency appointed by the Government to operate in Spain as the only National Accreditation Body, pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 765/2008 that governs the functioning of accreditation in Europe, which is based on five underlying principles.
AFITI is accredited by ENAC as a Control Body and a Testing Laboratory, both in the field of fire safety.
See our accreditation annex no. 41/LE 104.

La OMI, Organización Marítima Internacional. (en inglés IMO, International Maritime Organization ) es el organismo especializado de las Naciones Unidas responsable de la seguridad y protección de la navegación y de prevenir la contaminación del mar por los buques.
AFITI forma parte de la lista de laboratorios reconocidos por IMO para la realización de ensayos de fuego de acuerdo con el FTP Code (Fire test Procedures) desde el año 2.000.

The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda is tasked with proposing and executing the Government's policies on infrastructure, land transport services in state competency, maritime and air transportation, in order to guarantee equitable and sustainable mobility, as well as the Urban Agenda, access to housing, quality of the building and soil.
AFITI is recognized as a testing laboratory since 1993.
Since 1960, the Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Sciences (IETcc) has been the Spanish body recognized to perform the technical evaluation of the suitability of innovative construction products according to the Technical Suitability Document (TID) procedure within the scope of the European Organization for Technical Suitability (UEAtc).
After years of close collaboration, AFITI is currently recognized Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Sciences (IETcc) of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) as a Collaborating Entity in the activities related with the favorable technical evaluation of suitability for the intended use of non-traditional or innovative fire protection products for which no standard exists and there is a risk, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 5.3 of the Regulation on Fire Protection Installations (RIPCI).
This collaboration enables to offer to the sector a better and faster response to the innovations that appear, making possible at the same time the formation of a multidisciplinary team to better define the Work Programs to be followed for each new family of products or work units related to the fire protection.

The Civil Defence of the United Arab Emirates has as mission to work effectively and efficiently towards enhancing the quality of life in the UAE community, through smart delivery of safety and security services within an innovation-driven environment to protect lives, honours and properties.
AFITI is approved by Civil Defence of the United Arab Emirates, as a testing laboratory.

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